Mondays With Merle: The Fightin’ Side Of Me.

I hear people bad talkingin’ way about this country
We have to live here in this country
Harpin’ on the wars we fight
And gripin’ ‘way things should be
And they switchin’ side
and standin’ up for things they believe in
When they runin’ down my country.All Rights Reserved, 男
They’re walkin’ side of me
Yeah.They’re a fightin’ side of me.They’sは、私
Runin’ on the way of life
Our Fightin’ men have fought and died to keep
If you don’t love it,
Let this song I’m singin’ be a warningin’
When you’re runnin’ down my country, man
You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me
I read about some squirrely guy
who claims, he’s in my country, 彼は戦うことを信じない
私の国を破壊しているとき。 hoss
They’re walkin’ side of me
Yeah, walkin’ on the fighting’ side of me
Runin’ down the way of life
Our fighting men have fought and died to keep
If you don’t love it, leave it
Let this song I’m singin’ be a warningin’
When you’re runnin’ down my country, man
You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me
Walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me
Runin’ down the way of life
Our fightin’ men have fought and died to keep
If you don’t love it, leave it
Let this song I singin’ be a warnin’
When you’re runningin’ down my country, man
You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me